TEFL Jobs - Teaching English Abroad
By Mr Ardi
Once TEFL certified, course graduates are qualified to teach English abroad. Opportunities for teaching English abroad are plentiful with TEFL jobs, Teaching English as a Foreign/Second Language, available in most countries. The vast majority of English teaching jobs tend to be in countries where English is not the first language an example of this is TEFL in Thailand or China. Asia is generally considered to be the largest market place for TEFL teachers. Although, in countries where English is the native language, there is an increasing demand for English teachers. This is due to growth of immigrants into countries where English is the native language such as Mexicans migrating to America and Poles migrating to England. The worldwide demand for knowledge of and ability to use the English language has created a wide variety of TEFL jobs throughout the world. For those that are TEFL certified, teaching job offers overseas or at home are plentiful.
A number of areas need to be covered with regard to TEFL jobs and teaching English abroad. Fortunately, most of these areas are covered during the job guidance and support sessions within the TEFL course and are a fundamental component of the course itself. Interview techniques are covered along with resume building. A variety of potential questions and answers are discussed in relation to interviews. Positives and negatives for TEFL in different countries are considered and discussed as well as salaries, working conditions and employment benefits. What to expect from your employer and what your employer will expect from you. Lastly and perhaps most importantly: where and how to locate TEFL jobs.
The internet has quickly become the main source for research into TEFL jobs and teaching English abroad. There are a plethora of forums, TEFL job databases and directories offering or advertising teaching positions in countries all over the world. Simply type 'TEFL in Thailand' into a search engine and you will receive thousands of results. Two of the most popular directories are ELT career portal and Dave's ESL cafe which both list thousands of jobs. Dave's ESL café also has many, many forums that cover most topics relating to teaching English abroad. Another good source for TEFL jobs is the classified ads in newspapers both in print and online.
The variety of teaching jobs continues to increase with TEFL jobs available in areas such as schools, colleges, universities, language centers, businesses and companies, hospitals, hotels and tourism generally. TEFL in Thailand for example, businesses, hotels and hospitals employ English language teachers to train their staff to communicate with customers from overseas. This has become big business in Thailand due to the generally lower costs of living and especially in terms of lower medical expenses. For those wishing to teach English abroad there really is a great variety of locations and teaching positions to choose from.
Salaries, conditions and benefits vary greatly from country to country. TEFL in Thailand for example, salaries range from $800 to $2000 USD per month depending on qualifications and experience. Salaries are high in Thailand where a typical salary for a Thai person is about $200 USD per month. Living costs in Thailand are low and salaries afford the opportunity to live well, save and travel. Employers in Thailand provide all working papers which are renewed every 12 months. Health insurance is arranged automatically through monthly contributions. Teachers will have on average 20 to 25 contact hrs per week with their students. Students in Thailand are respectful and are keen to learn.
Approximately 80% of TEFL graduates teach English abroad for between one and 3 years before returning home to pursue other forms of employment. This is not surprising as TEFL tends to be the spring board for travel and employment on a limited basis. Employers at home look favorably on applicants who have spent time overseas training, teaching English, gaining new skills and qualifications. Approximately 20% of TEFL graduates go on to gain advanced TEFL qualifications and continue with TEFL jobs. Advanced level qualifications include Diploma in TEFL and MA TEFL. With these advanced level qualifications the types of TEFL job options increases with positions such as Director of Studies, Teacher Trainer and Curriculum Developer become available.
Weather you choose teaching English abroad as career, a conduit for travel and experience or as a stepping stone to other things, you will have a wealth of choice in terms of location and type of TEFL job. Teaching English abroad will provide you with an unforgettable experience and also provide you with an opportunity to help in the lives of others through education.
Teach, Travel, Live and Work Abroad.
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